The Association of Legal Administrators (“ALA”) is an international organization with over 10,000 members representing law firms and corporate legal departments world-wide. The ALA was founded in 1971 to promote and enhance the competence and professionalism of legal administrators and all members of the legal management team. Much more information about the ALA can be found on the website - www.alanet.org
The First State Chapter, established in 1979, actively supports the mission of the ALA, and currently has over 50 chapter members.
The First State Chapter offers relevant, educational programs with national and local speakers, leadership events, social events, volunteer opportunities and community outreach projects as well as the unique ability to network with and receive support from others in roles similar to yours, whether you are in HR Management, Financial Management, Practice Management, Systems Management, Facilities Management, Marketing Management, or “all-of-the-above".
In addition, through our chapter’s strong and long-standing Business Partner Program, our members are connected to outstanding businesses that specialize in providing services to the legal industry. In return, our Business Partners gain exposure to the finest legal administrators around! A participation package is available on this website to potential Business Partners looking to build relationships with our members and enjoy our calendar of social-networking and community events throughout the year!
If you are considering joining our chapter as a member or a Business Partner, please contact one of our Board or Committee members. You can find contact information below or use the “contact us” section and someone will get back to you. We welcome you to join us as a guest at one of our upcoming educational sessions to see for yourself how rewarding your membership with the First State Chapter could be. Whether you are new to the legal world or a tenured legal professional, or a business professional looking to meet administrators in the Delaware legal community, this organization has so much to offer. We encourage you to reach out to one of us to explore the impact your membership with the First State Chapter can have on your career. Speaking from personal experience, the value I have gained from being part of this fabulous organization is without measure!
On behalf of the First State Chapter Board of Directors, I welcome you to our website. Take a look around…we know you’ll like what you see!



Vice President

Immediate Past President
Tel: 302-416-9670
Tel: 302-351-9151
Tel: 302-888-6966
Tel: 302-300-3430
Tel: 302-573-4811

Business Partner Chair
Tel: 302-421-6854
Business Partner Co-Chair
Membership Chair
Tel: 302-467-4442
Diversity & Inclusion Chair
Marketing Chair
Tel: 302-651-7889
Tel: 302-468-5658

Social Chair
Social Co-Chair
Education Co-Chair
Education Chair
Marketing Co-Chair
Tel: 302-573-4811
Tel: 302-351-9283
Tel: 302-442-7070
Tel: 302-571-5742
Tel: 302-468-5627

First State Chapter - ALA
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
* More details to be provided when the dates are finalized
18 - Diversity:
IDEA Workshop
28 - Education:
Labor & Employment
21: Business Partners:
March Madness
24 Education:
Networking Seminar
31 Social:
Summer Social
20 Social:
Past Presidents Gathering
19-23: ALA National Conference
6 Education:
DEI Workshop
13 Business Partner
Blood Drive
Interactive Workshop
Holiday Party

The Blue Hen News is a quarterly newsletter which, includes educational articles written by our members, business partners, past event speakers and other professionals in the legal industry. It includes fun features on our members and business partners, local polls on hot topics, social and community service event pictures as well as information on upcoming events and programs presented by both the First State Chapter and National ALA.
Blue Hen News Editions Below:

Business Partners
Our Business Partner sponsorship program enables the First State Chapter to provide many of our scholarships and educational programs to our members. We would like to thank all of our vendors for their continuing support; they are all a key part of the benefits our members receive. For more information regarding our Business Partner sponsorship program please contact the chair of our Business Partners Committee, Denise Frawley, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr (denise.frawley@saul.com) or Heather Alleman (heather.alleman@maslawde.com)
To sign up to become a business partner, please complete the Registration Form and return it to Denise or Heather.
The First State Chapter invites business partners to subscribe to the e-newsletter titled ALA Means Business using the online form click here.
For information on 5 key resources for our Business Partners please click the following link to ALA's national chapter, UNPACK ALA .
Current Business Partners click the following link to access exclusive information!
First State Chapter members and business partners are encouraged to visit the following sites:
Increase your company's exposure to the leaders in law firms, corporate legal departments and government agencies by linking your company's Web site from the "Legal Marketplace" section. Click on the title to visit the ALA Legal Marketplace.
ALA is pleased to offer its line of member benefits, providing an array of resources and services from nationally known companies. ALA members, their employers and their families have the opportunity to enjoy the savings of special benefits these programs provide. Click on the title to visit the VIP section
The ALA’s Business Partner Relations Committee (BPRC) and the Business Partner Advisory Panel (BPAP). prepared guidelines and objectives to further enable ALA chapters and members to develop and enhance productive working relationships with the ALA business partner community, as well as offering guidance to the business partner community for establishing mutually beneficial working relationships with ALA chapters and members. Click on the title for the complete document.
Also check out the ALA Business Partner Center!
Caesar Rodney Level
230 North Market Street PO Box 27
Wilmington, DE 19899
Contact Person: Vito DiMaio
Email: vdimaio@parcelsinc.com
Phone: (302) 658-9926
Parcels is a leading provider of high-quality support services to the legal and corporate community. The one driving force behind the company is simple: the client comes first. Incorporated in 1980, Parcels is owned and operated by James A. and Maureen Cauley Johnson, Delawareans with deep ties to the community.
The company's objective has always been to grow the organization and its reputation through extraordinary service to the client, through the recruitment and retention of exceptional cross-trained staff, and through prudent financial management. The focus has always been on expansion of services that are useful and cost-effective to our clients rather than on increasing the number of locations.
Although Parcels' clients are from diverse segments of the corporate world, it specializes in serving the legal community in Delaware. Established first as a Courier service to law firms, Parcels kept a fine ear tuned to the needs of its clients; it built relationships with the major law firms and with the courts, and it developed a deep, integrated staff with expertise in the services it offered. Parcels, with its wide range of peripheral services, allows law professionals to do what they do best - the practice of law.
Brandywine Blue Level

Christiana Level

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity needs to be a central part of our law firm culture. A key to our mission is to help law firms power their recruiting engine to attract, hire, and retain talent--as well as for our own collective First State ALA Chapter. Furthermore, our commitment to diversity and inclusion is deeply rooted in our collective values as an organization and a community of Legal Administrators.
We recognize that differences in age, race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, physical ability, thinking style and background bring richness to our work environments and the results we show for our clients. Such differences help us connect better with the legal needs of people in the Delaware. We believe that attracting, developing and retaining a base of employees that reflects the diversity of our clients is essential to our success. We also believe success hinges on relationships with diverse Universities and Recruiting Specialists as well as, other professional organizations.
As an organization we are genuinely committed to diversity and inclusion (or ‘D&I’) and understand that the presence of visible diversity does not equate to being diverse and inclusive alone. We believe that a meaningful commitment to D&I requires dual and concurrent focus on individual behaviors and organizational systems.
Openness to alternative ways of approaching a task or an issue, revisions to work processes, and flexibility in scheduling are all hallmarks of a diverse and inclusive organization.
Leveraging a diverse and inclusive workforce to achieve superior business results
Our goal is to attract, develop and retain the best and brightest from all walks of life and backgrounds. This requires an organization to have a culture of inclusion where all individuals feel respected, are treated fairly, provided work-life balance, and an opportunity to excel in their chosen careers.
To build and leverage a diverse and inclusive workforce and workplace by developing a talent pipeline to attract, hire, retain and professional develop professional legal support staff from under-served Delaware communities.
This requires all chapter members do their part. Leaders must possess diversity and inclusion competencies to lead and manage an engaged workforce. Others must treat their colleagues with respect by listening to different viewpoints, opinions, thoughts and ideas and embracing a culture of inclusion.

Network with 50 + members
Educational Programs
Leadership events
Social Events
Volunteer and community outreach projects
ALA National Career Center
If you are an administrator or manager of a legal services organization in Delaware and your responsibilities include human resources, finance, facilities, technology or other systems or services, you are eligible for membership in the First State Chapter. To qualify for membership in the First State Chapter, you must first be a member of the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). Please visit www.alanet.org for more information on joining ALA.
The First State Chapter was formed in 1979 and is part of ALA Region 1 which includes Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, as well as Newfoundland, Ontario, and the CyberChapter. There are more than 50 members throughout the State of Delaware. Included in your membership are monthly catered lunches at local law firms and other venues with top-notch educational presentations by national and local speakers on today’s hottest topics as well as updates on labor law and banking regulations, social events, and opportunities to participate in various charitable and community outreach programs. Continuing education credits are available to members of SHRM and other professional organizations.
In addition to local professional advancement opportunities, ALA offers national and regional, as well as discipline-specific, conferences and programs throughout the year in various cities. Chapter scholarships are available to those interested in attending.
For more information about ALA and the First State Chapter, contact our Membership Chairperson, Lisa Pedicone at pedicone@lrclaw.com. She will be happy to answer your questions by email or phone, meet with you, and/or bring you as a guest to an event. We offer full membership privileges to all types of membership. Your annual dues cover the cost of monthly speakers, lunch catering, and attendance at all social events.
Annual Membership Dues 2024:
New Castle County $250
Kent/Sussex and Secondary $100
Organizational Pricing $225
(10% discount for Firms with 3 or more members)
After your form is submitted, you will receive an invoice from QuickBooks which you may pay with credit card or via check.
Please make your check payable to First State Chapter and return this form with your check by January 31, 2024, to:
Sherry Leary
First State Chapter ALA Treasurer
Morris James LLP
500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1500
Wilmington, DE 19801